My lack of dedication to my little site here is utterly appalling. Feel free to report me to the Better Blogging Bureau. :)
To be very honest, I really am still here, and I'm sorry my attentions have been slightly apostate, during the past months. As much as I truly, truly love writing, I've simply been too tired to even visit my own site, let alone leave any fresh words on it.
Fortunately enough, I'm now resolved to try harder and make time in life for what's truly important. One of those many things is the fellowship with friends--even through something as "trivial" as my humble "For the Sake of the Call."
So, I'll write soon and visit often, remembering you all in my prayers, when I'm not to be found here. God's got great plans for each and every one of you, and I pray each step will find you drawing ever nearer to the richest beauties of His heart.
The Lord bless you!
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