For the Sake of the Call

...A small glimpse into the life of a girl who adores her Savior, Christ, and finds her delight in serving Him.

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States

I'm the eldest of five children in my family and love them all dearly. :) I've been a Christian since the age of five and have served in church ministry alongside my family for the past fifteen years. I love to sing and enjoy playing violin, piano, and harp, among other instruments. I've worked in the worship ministries of this area since the age of seven. I think I've found one of my life works in composing music; the Lord has sent many songs to me, and I'm trying to be faithful to share them with those for whom they were meant. I teach music lessons several days a week and have realized what a joy it is to influence so many children and others for good. Soon, I'll be opening a music store, Hearts' Home Acoustics, in Boerne, Texas with some precious friends. We'll specialize in exellent instruments and will have a music school, too. I've just graduated from Louisiana Baptist University with a major in Christian Education, a major in Music, and a minor in Bible Studies and Theology. What a blessing to have completed that chapter in my life! Last, but certainly not least, I'm now engaged and soon will be marrying my best friend. How abundant is God's goodness...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hello, my dear friends! Yes, I'm still alive, and I so regret that I've not been able to reply sooner to all your warm wishes. Thank you so much for the notes and hellos; my countenance was truly lifted in encouragement.

The trip's been progressing just wonderfully, and I love Scotland more and more, with each passsing day. It's such an amazing land and culture, the history is incredible, and the beauty is breathtaking. All that to say, I can't wait to return home, Lord willing, and assemble a "real post" where I can actually do a good job of sharing the stories and photos. :)

Internet access has been a real "Waterloo." :) Even now, I've found a connection, and I'm up at "I don't even want to think what time it is over here" in a darkened hotel lobby, writing my heart out to all my loved ones--as quickly as I can, before my connection's heartless timer expires. :)

I think I'm going to attach a bit of a letter I penned, earlier today. Hopefully, it will give you a better glimpse into my life here. :)

"I’m writing from the beautiful seaside town of Oban, on the west side of Scotland. It’s a lovely day here, and I’ve found that that’s a rarity. For the last three days, I’ve seen naught but rain. Fortunately enough, I absolutely love such storms. It must all go back to my having grown up in drought-ridden Texas. :)

Yesterday, I took a ferry over to the Isle of Skye. The passage was wonderful, and the ferry was quite officially the largest ship in which I’ve ever found the sea. We were taken across the Sound of Sleat and spent a delightful afternoon on the grounds of the Armadale Castle.

I have absolutely fallen in love with the beauty here. Already, I’ve compiled a list of the locations to which I’ll certainly want to return someday. At present, the list is as follow: St. Margaret’s Chapel in Edinburgh, Arbroath Abbey—especially the sacristy, the village of Ballater, Dunnottar Castle off the eastern seacoast, and Glenfinnan in the deep Highlands.

I’ve learned so much, during these past days. History, especially as regards the Christian fathers of the faith, has been so rich, and it’s been wondrous to walk in the steps of such visionaries for God’s kingdom. I thought you might like to hear of the places through which I’ve traveled…

So far, I’ve journeyed to the town of Melrose and its Abbey; Abbottsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott; Edinburgh’s bustling shops, amazing Castle, St. Margaret’s Chapel (felt like hallowed ground), John Knox’s home, Greyfriar’s Cemetery (one of the greatest testaments to the Covenanters’ heart for God), St. Giles Cathedral (the High Kirk of Scotland and John Knox’s pulpit), the Palace and Abbey at Holyrood; the Antonine Wall dating back to 144 AD; Bannockburn; Stirling Castle; the Wallace Monument and its 256 winding spiral, stone steps :) ; Aberdeen; St. Andrews; Arbroath and its Abbey (which will ever hold my heart); Montrose; Dunnottar Castle (absolutely wondrous and bears quite a testimony to faithfulness); Banchory; the Deeside, Donside, and Speyside winding their way through the Highlands of Glenfinnan and Gainscheel; Culloden’s costly battlefield; Inverness; the Caledonian Canal; Loch Ness and the age-scarred Urquart Castle; the Isle of Skye; Glencoe; and the Isle of Iona (the birthplace of Christianity in the Scottish Isles—560 AD.)

I know that this seems to be quite a long and discursive list , but I thought it might be nice for you to see at least a sampling of the places to which I’ve traveled, thus far. Perhaps, one or more of them has held some place in your own life or the life of one you love. :) I know, most certainly, that all of them have secured a treasured hollow of my heart, a place that they will hold held for many, many years to come.

Ah, yes… I’m experiencing so many wondrous things, and my heart is much-warmed by the beauty and the passionate vision to which I am witness. I miss you, however, my dear ones, and I’ll be praying that God will hold you close while I may not. Just know that you are in my loving thoughts and remembrances; I can’t wait to return and tell you of all I’ve been taught…after I give you each a long-overdue Texan greeting. :)

Promise that you’ll keep me in your prayers, my dear brothers and sisters. In three days’ time, I will be joining the mission to which my service is pledged through the end of September. Much strength of heart, body, and mind will be necessary, and I’m just asking that God will continue in His faithfulness to provide such gifts of grace to me.

I’m so grateful for each of you. All my love, dear ones…"

I'd love to share some photos, as well, but for some reason, my just doesn't like that idea, in the least. :) You'll all have to be dears and simply bear with me, until a later time. I really miss talking with my sweet friends "out there," but please write whenever you're able, and I'll do my best to find another internet connection, as soon as possible.

May God be with all of you. I so appreciate everything and send much love, though it must travel quite a distance. :)


Blogger Amy said...

Thank you so much, sweet friend!

September 21, 2006 3:48 PM  

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