For the Sake of the Call

...A small glimpse into the life of a girl who adores her Savior, Christ, and finds her delight in serving Him.

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States

I'm the eldest of five children in my family and love them all dearly. :) I've been a Christian since the age of five and have served in church ministry alongside my family for the past fifteen years. I love to sing and enjoy playing violin, piano, and harp, among other instruments. I've worked in the worship ministries of this area since the age of seven. I think I've found one of my life works in composing music; the Lord has sent many songs to me, and I'm trying to be faithful to share them with those for whom they were meant. I teach music lessons several days a week and have realized what a joy it is to influence so many children and others for good. Soon, I'll be opening a music store, Hearts' Home Acoustics, in Boerne, Texas with some precious friends. We'll specialize in exellent instruments and will have a music school, too. I've just graduated from Louisiana Baptist University with a major in Christian Education, a major in Music, and a minor in Bible Studies and Theology. What a blessing to have completed that chapter in my life! Last, but certainly not least, I'm now engaged and soon will be marrying my best friend. How abundant is God's goodness...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm mortified that such a long time has passed since I last said hello to you all here. I'll try to be a more steadfast friend, in the days to come. :) So very much has transpired, since last we spoke, and I've had the immense joy of watching God's hand at work in my life and the life of those all around me. I'll share with you a short story that really touched my heart when its news first reached me, early yesterday afternoon...

When I was only four years old, I moved with my parents to the San Antonio area and within weeks, we had chosen a church home. As God would have it, our family became one of only four founding families of the infant congregation. Seven years later, 2000 people were hearing God's Word taught there each weekend. :) (These are some of the dearest times of my life, by the way.)

Though times eventually have changed and dear ones have moved and embraced new callings, we've kept close bonds of friendship with those other founding families. A long while back, one couple took their family and moved to Brazil to serve as missionaries. While ministering there, a little orphan grew very dear to their hearts. They tried everything to adopt the precious girl, but eventually, there was simply nothing more that could be done. After serving in Brazil for years, they returned to the States and, in doing so, were forced to leave behind the little girl whose heart had been inscribed within their own.

Ten years have now come and gone, and the little girl has grown from a youth, only seven years old, into a young woman. My missionary friends haven't been able to see her in a decade, but every day has found her in their hearts. Only days ago, the wife opened her mail to find a letter penned in Portuguese. The orphaned girl, now seventeen, desperately wanted them to visit her. She told of what has filled her days throughout theses past ten years. Her life brought anything but simplicity or ease, but her heart has stayed tender to the Lord. What one influence helped to birth such love and trust for her Savior? --my precious missionary friends...

I'm truly praying a great deal now for them all. If the Lord allows, the girl would love to be brought to the States to be a part of their family, as they have longed for her to be, so very long now. It may be that she will have to wait another year, until she will have reached an age of adulthood. I know that God is looking down on everything and that He will bring His very best to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I trust that His love will triumph in the end, no matter what we see immediately around us.

I found it astounding that she had not seen them since the age of seven, and yet it was that small "window of time" which has given rise to the character she embraces today. Truly, I found it all very humbling. I believe we all try to be a reflection of the Lord to those with whom He's surrounded us, but sometimes, we neglect to realize the incredible power of influence we are given. I stand as witness to the beauty of spirit that has been birthed through the willing obedience of just one couple, and I wonder, "What if they had not been a mirror of Christ to that girl? What would've become of her soul?"

We never know when we may be the only glimpse of Jesus that another person ever sees. That thought brings me a great impassioning to submit myself wholly to God for His perfect purposes. More than all else, I want to adore my Savior and lead others to His love. We never know when that little girl or boy at our knees will be the next champion for God's cause on earth. We never know when a hungering person fed in mercy will have seen the hand of God through us, for the first time in their life. We never know...

God has placed around us so many people to influence with His heart, and I know I am the woman I am today because someone cared enough to invest in my life. I'm both humbled and filled with gratitude for the amazing hosts of friends, mentors, and leaders by whom God has grown my heart. I owe so much to them and to the Lord for His immense mercy in placing them in my life. I only pray I can give back to this world even a portion of the love God has poured out upon me.

I've missed you all, and I'm glad I was able to sit for a little while and share a bit of life with you. :) God be with you all, my friends!


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