For the Sake of the Call

...A small glimpse into the life of a girl who adores her Savior, Christ, and finds her delight in serving Him.

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Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States

I'm the eldest of five children in my family and love them all dearly. :) I've been a Christian since the age of five and have served in church ministry alongside my family for the past fifteen years. I love to sing and enjoy playing violin, piano, and harp, among other instruments. I've worked in the worship ministries of this area since the age of seven. I think I've found one of my life works in composing music; the Lord has sent many songs to me, and I'm trying to be faithful to share them with those for whom they were meant. I teach music lessons several days a week and have realized what a joy it is to influence so many children and others for good. Soon, I'll be opening a music store, Hearts' Home Acoustics, in Boerne, Texas with some precious friends. We'll specialize in exellent instruments and will have a music school, too. I've just graduated from Louisiana Baptist University with a major in Christian Education, a major in Music, and a minor in Bible Studies and Theology. What a blessing to have completed that chapter in my life! Last, but certainly not least, I'm now engaged and soon will be marrying my best friend. How abundant is God's goodness...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Today has been filled with such beauty and such fulfillment; rarely, have I known the blessings of such a day. Soon, I will tell you why... It would be unfair, however, for me not to explain the many events and past days that have led to the one, now at hand. So, nestle into a cozy chair, and enjoy the reading, for a little while. :)

I have a dear friend, David, whose son died last year, at a youth's age of 21. It nearly broke my heart. David's heart of friendship and devotion is one of the dearest gifts God has ever given me, and it hurt so deeply to watch the pain through which he and his precious wife walked. More on that later...

David's business travels have taken him all over the world, and years ago, he made a good friend in Israel. The man there was a brilliant, retired general who held the hearts and respect of his countrymen, in every possible way, and years of devotion and dedication to the cause of his land's freedom had made him a hero in the eyes of all who knew him. When this dear friend heard of the death of David's son, he promised the grieving father he would come visit him...especially so he could pray by his side, at the grave of the young son.

For months now, David has told me this sweet friend was soon to visit, and he very much wanted my family and me to meet him, during his stay here. Over the past years of their friendship, David had often spoken to the general of us, and the general wanted to know the friends that had so loved David and his family, especially during the times of heartache.

Well...the long-awaited day of the general's arrival finally came, this past Friday. We were to share a meal and fellowship with him, that evening. Also, the distinguished visitor had longed to hear the worship we so love because he had heard of it from David, for years now. :) I couldn't have been more thrilled than to offer a sacrifice of praise to my loving Father, that night. You see, the general is certainly Jewish and has not yet accepted my precious Jesus as his Redeemer. As he listened to the music and saw, in our faces, a fervent love and humbled adoration for our Lord, he realized that this was so much more than a religion to us; he looked deeper to see that it was a relationship--treasured in my heart more than anything I can even comprehend.

After an hour's worth of worship, he still wanted to hear more, and when the music finally stilled and found its cessation, the guest looked through misty eyes at us and spoke some of the most moving words of gratitude and blessing, I've yet ever heard. These words of graciousness and honor were coming from the man who was a national hero, had designed the most technologically advanced tank of our day, and to this day, holds great influence...

The heart was, slowly, being made tender to the call of God--to the beauty of the loving relationship we share with our blessed Savior, Christ. No, he has not accepted my Jesus, but he is listening, perhaps for the first time in his life, and that gives me immense hope.

Throughout the three days I spent in the man's company, I grew to deeply love this one who is so different in every way from me. I have lived in a land that holds an unfathomable degree of supremacy, across all the world; he lives in a land that was founded upon the shoulders of a mere 400,000 persecuted but impassioned patriots. I have lived in relative safety, not having to regularly watch the skies for attack; he has fought every day of his adult life to protect the land and the life he holds sacred. I have adored Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with every breath that's been given me, since my accepting the salvation of my awesome God; he still awaits the coming of the Messiah Who will save him and all that he holds dear.

In the midst of the great love I held for him, there was an equal portion of heartbreak, in knowing that one could know so much and give so much for the sake of a holy God, but somehow, he had lived 58 years without accepting God's most precious sacrifice, Christ Jesus.

For the first time, a face has been put alongside the prayers I've prayed since grade school--that God would watch over His chosen people and bring them to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus. Now each time I raise my eyes to heaven and beseech God on Jerusalem's behalf, a pair of crystal blue eyes will be in my memory, spurring me on to give even more of myself to love others--especially these precious, chosen ones--unto Jesus.

I am amazed, as I look across all the happenings of God's faithfulness, these past several days... For the first time in 58 years, the general stepped foot into a Christian church, sat down, and attended a service unto the glory of Christ. He said he was going to honor David and us, and that he wanted to hear more of the music, but I can tell you that his heart was incredibly moved by the service today, and I only pray it will not be long, 'ere he is my brother in Christ. Even when it seems to be impossible, that is the blessed end to which I will direct my petitions before God.

Just hours ago, David, his precious wife, a few of our family, and I all went to the airport with the special guest and "saw him off." :) He did not know that our family was coming, and the man nearly cried, when he learned that we had loved him enough to bid him one, last farewell and a Godspeed. There's so much that I simply couldn't be able to fit into this note, but let it suffice to say that this man of such valor and prestige found a place in my heart through his gentleness and tender honor toward us all. I miss him already. There's a reunion, near at hand, but I'll save that story for another chronicle. :)

So, months of awaiting his arrival have flown by, and now he is come and gone. He did visit the grave with David...he prayed, turned to leave, then stopped and came back to pray, a little while more. Atop the youth's headstone there now rests another smaller stone. The little rock made a journey of thousands of miles and was brought by the general from the Mount of Olives. So there, atop the grave of a twenty-one year old son, lies a testament to the greatest acceptance of the will of God that has ever been known. "Not My will, but Thine...", were the words of the Savior Who there sacrificed his heart that mine might be saved.

God's purposes are so far beyond all that we can ever hope to see, while we are yet upon this earth, but someday, I know all will be clear. Even now, I trust Him in all and know that He is fulfilling all He has ever dreamed for us. So I willingly bow the knee and ask that His will only be matter what the cost or what the joy, I know He will bring it all to His glory. I wait to see what He brings to fruition in the heart of my new and dear friend, and I know that my heart has been forever altered for the better, in the process.

Father, may Thy will be ever done! I am humbled beyond measure that you allow me to have a part of your purposes, but thank You, Abba...loving You and loving others unto Your kingdom has been the delight of my life.

I'll leave you, my friends, for this night. I know it seems unbelievable, but there's actually so much I've left unsaid. :) Pray for General Engel and for his nation which is so precious in God's sight. I thank you all for honoring me enough to read through all the glimpses of life I share and for making them as momentarily important to you as they are eternally pertinent to me. :)

Blessings to you all!


Blogger Paige said...

I shared General Engel's story with my covenant group last night after worship...the girls were all just as touched as I was after I heard you talk about him yesterday afternoon.

I can't believe it's been almost a year since Billy breaks my heart, knowing that I longed to spend more time with David and Peggy after everything happened, but I couldn't. I know that I can never understand the immensity of their grief, but just thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes...tears because such an incredible young man is gone, and tears because of God's enduring faithfulness. As the days pass, the pain of the past diminishes a little bit more, and God delivers to us a little bit more peace.

I love you...

Hey--I fly in around lunchtime on the sixth of August...would you want to meet me for a late lunch? I miss you...

Oh, and I received your wonderful note of encouragement in the mail today. Thank you for your prayers and your love...and of course, I'll pray for you as well. I know about loneliness; I've been living it for the past six months. But God is still with us. Amen? :D

Let's embrace him together, shall we? Him and the abundant life he came to bring.

July 10, 2006 6:28 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

that is indeed a touching story. you seem like some very interesting people. hopefully that doesn't sound too strange. perhaps someday i will meet y'all.

keep on truckin'.

July 10, 2006 10:25 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Paigel, I'd love to meet you, whenever you get back. You know my cell number...use it, and we'll definitely have to arrange a meeting. :) You've been so missed, and I've had no one to drag to antique auctions with me! (Just kidding, I won't do that again to you.) :)

Yes, I'll continue to revel in the love God lavishes so freely on me. Is He not such a good God? :) There's nothing more precious in His sight than when we embrace His abundant life, in good times and in bad. It's that very trust that tells Him most that we love Him. :)

'Miss you and love you, too!

Jordan, it doesn't offend me at all that you think we sound like interesting people. :) I've never been one to "go with the flow". Jesus and I are usually going in the exact opposite direction from everyone else. :) never knows what the day may bring. I hope you have a great day!

July 11, 2006 8:44 AM  
Blogger Paige said...

Heehee...I actually enjoyed the auction, Amy. There were some beautiful pieces last time I went with you. I only mentioned getting together because I know that sometimes it takes advance planning to get on your calendar. *wink*

Jordan--once Josh gets back from traveling the world, maybe we all can meet, if Amy will ever come and visit me. She still hasn't seen my apartment! *grin* (plus SFA isn't far from LU...)

July 11, 2006 4:29 PM  

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